
  • Most health coaches help you with knowledge they've gleaned from books. Others, the best, also use the wisdom they've gained from life experiences. Robin is one of these. Along the way, she's assembled a rare combination of knowledge, empathy and a very grounded sense of humor. This makes her coaching intensive, heartfelt and transformative. — Michael F. Cantwell, MD, MPH

  • Robin is my person for great advice, a good laugh and a warm smile. She has a way of looking at a situation that no one else I know can do. After talking with her, I’m always struck by how much she cares. Robin asks great questions that help me think about where I am and what the next steps are that I can take. She knows when to push me to think deeper and when to just let me talk. She also has a great sense of humor! — Renee M.

  • Robin is wonderful! When we met, I was experiencing some big professional and personal changes in my life. I was determined to come out of them in a better place. Robin was very thorough in her assessment and consultation phase of taking me on as a client. She’s made amazing connections, combining the information I initially provided with what she uncovered in our coaching sessions, to help me see how my experiences and personality traits play a role in my professional and personal interactions today.

    I would consider myself pretty self-aware, but her exercises and thought-provoking questions have given me a clarity that I’ve never had before. I can see my strengths more clearly, and I can see opportunities to be more confident and uphold my values and boundaries when outside parties challenge them.

    I am so very impressed with Robin’s wide range of knowledge. She follows up our sessions with links to additional helpful information and I am surprised at how well her written feedback puts into words the exact feelings I am experiencing. And she does it with such kindness, empathy and enthusiasm. (She is the opposite of dry and boring!) In 3 months together we’ve accomplished so much. She’s truly exceeded my expectations — so much so that I’ve asked her to help me tackle a new set of goals. — Kristie S.

  • Robin is a great Work-Life Balance Coach. Sometimes my mind is so cluttered that it helps to have someone who can relate, listen and ask the right questions. Robin’s background as a journalist makes her especially good at reading between the lines. She subtly challenges me to identify barriers and helps me see another perspective, so I can find the hidden opportunity in the problem I’m wrestling with. — Andrew P.

  • I’ve always had pretty bothersome seasonal allergies which almost always lead into a cold. Robin’s Ginger-and-Honey Duo really helped clear up my head and get my breathing back on track. (Not to mention it’s such an easy recipe.) When I was better, I had the chance to try her Healthy Chocolate Mousse. I love chocolate and I was eager to see if this would fulfill my cravings. Boy was I surprised just how delectable healthy can be! The chocolate mousse (which I’m told is made with only a few key ingredients) was absolutely delicious. — Jeremy V.

  • I always think that when I get my life in order I’ll have a health coach. Working with my ADHD coach has made it clear to me that coaching isn’t something you wait until you’re better for, it’s something you do to get better! Robin is smart and funny and wonderful and if I had the funds for it I’d be signing up right now. If YOU have the funds for making your life better, then I highly recommend working with Robin, because I would be. — Erynn B.