HEDONISTIC: Relating to pleasure

WELLNESS: Being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort

HEDONISTIC WELLNESS: Coaching that helps you live more healthily, without feeling like you’re in a straitjacket

(Hint: It's not just about food)

WHAT MAKES MY COACHING DIFFERENT: I help people live healthier happily, using the insights and problem-solving skills of an ex-journalist, the compassion of someone who understands struggle, and the heart of a hedonist who knows firsthand that you can live well AND live healthily — and that laughter is just as much part of the process as the Aha moments. Food, boundaries, work-life balance and more, I can help! Request a free consultation via my Contact page or email me at Robin (at) HedonisticWellness (dot) com.

Living healthily can be ENJOYABLE

The path to wellness can be enjoyable. Yes, really! It's not just knowing that you’re taking steps to be healthier. The actual process can be delicious. Pleasurable. Empowering.

Years ago, I came across a Chinese proverb which has always stuck with me. The essence was: “If you attend to the weakest part, you will find health”. I've always interpreted that to mean that if we acknowledge, and work to heal the areas where we’re vulnerable — to whatever degree we can — we then have room to live more fully and happily. I find that a far more logical (not to mention uplifting) view than the Either/Or extremes of “You are healthy” or “You are ill”.

We all have weak parts — some genetic, some born of habit. I can help you figure out where you’re out of balance and guide you back towards equilibrium.

I didn't expect to end up on this path. But a wise man (who for many years was the lead physician at San Francisco’s pioneering Institute for Health & Healing) made the observation that health coaching was the perfect blend of my skills, strengths and experience. I realized he was right. Here’s why:

My favorite part of being a journalist was interviewing someone: getting a sense of their history, finding their patterns. We all have patterns: some good, some not so much. Partly by training, partly by nature, I became adept at reading and listening between the lines.*  Combine that with the fact that my body is extra-sensitive and you have an unexpectedly useful equation. Because I've been there too, I have enormous respect and compassion for people who are trying to find better balance. I believe in living well. And living healthily. Yes, you can do both. I'm Robin J. Schwartz and I can help.

*See my New York Magazine profile of Mary-Louise Parker — written when the world was just beginning to catch on to how cool she is. (Click HERE to go directly to the article.)